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Publications Regular, P.M., F. Shuhood, T. Power, W.A. Montevecchi, G.J. Robertson, D. Ballam, J.F. Piatt and B. Nakashima. (submitted) Murres, capelin and oceanic climate. Inter-annual associations across a decadal shift. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. pdf - 362KB Hedd, A., W.A. Montevecchi, G.K. Davoren and D.A. Fifield. (submitted) Parental diet and distribution of Leach’s Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa in the Northwest Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Fifield, D., W.A. Montevecchi, S. Garthe, S. Shaffer, U. Kubetzki, J.F. Rail, G.J. Robertson, and S. Shaffer. (submitted) East meets West: Seabirds use of ocean-scale weather systems to migrate across the Atlantic Ocean - Population interactions and implications. Frontiers in Ecology and the Enviroment. Montevecchi, W.A., S. Benvenuti, S. Garthe and G.K. Davoren. (under revision) Foraging tactics of a large plunge-diving seabird preying on forage fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Russell, J. and W.A. Montevecchi. (under revision) Feeding down on marine food webs: composition of some larval and forage fishes taken by puffins in the Northwest Atlantic. Waterbirds. Burke, C.M. and W.A. Montevecchi. (2008) Fish and chicks: Forage fish and chick success in two co-existing auks. Waterbirds: in press. Garthe, S., W.A. Montevecchi and G.K. Davoren. (2007) Flight destinations and foraging behavior of Northern Gannets (Sula bassana) preying on a small forage fish in a Low Arctic ecosystem. Deep Sea Research II 54: 311-320. pdf - 646 KB Chaulk, K.G., G.J. Robertson and W.A. Montevecchi. (2007) Landscape features and sea ice conditions and nesting eider abundance in northern Labrador. Canadian Journal of Zoology 85: 301-309. pdf - 410 KB Barrett, R.T., C.J. Camphuysen, J.W. Chardine, T. Anker-Nilssen, R.W. Furness, S. Garthe, O. Hüppop, M. Leopold, W.A. Montevecchi and R.R. Veit. (2007) Sampling methods and recommendations for dietary studies of seabirds. ICES Journal of Marine Science: in press Montevecchi, W.A. (2007) Binary responses of Northern Gannets (Sula bassana) to changing food web and oceanographic conditions. Marine Ecology Progress Series 352: 213-220. pdf - 373 KB Garthe, S., W.A. Montevecchi, G. Chapdelaine, J.F. Rail and A. Hedd. (2006) Contrasting foraging tactics of seabirds breeding in different oceanographic domains. Marine Biology 151: 687-694. pdf - 392 KB Barrett, R.T., G. Chapdelaine, T. Anker-Nilsson, A. Mosbech, W.A. Montevecchi, J. Reid and R.R. Veit. (2006) Seabird numbers and prey consumption in the North Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science 63: 1145-1158. pdf - 256 KB Montevecchi, W.A. (2006) Influence of forage species on pelagic food webs: signs from seabirds. Page 14 in: T.M. Ward, M.C. Geddes and S. Mayfield (Editors) National Symposium on Ecosystem Research and Management of Fish and Fisheries. Australian Society for Fish Biology Symposium Proceedings, Adelaide, South Australia, September 2004. Montevecchi, W.A. (2006) Influences of artificial light on marine birds. Pages 94-113 in: C. Rich and T. Longcore (Editors) Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting. Island Press, Washington, D.C. pdf - 903 KB Montevecchi, W.A. (2006) Large predator assessments of forage species in marine food webs. Page 21 in: T.M. Ward, M.C. Geddes and S. Mayfield (Editors) National Symposium on Ecosystem Research and Management of Fish and Fisheries. Australian Society for Fish Biology Symposium on Proceedings, Adelaide, South Australia, September 2004. Hedd, A. and W.A. Montevecchi. (2006) Diet and trophic position of Leach’s Storm-Petrel during breeding and molt, inferred from stable isotope analysis of feathers. Marine Ecology Progress Series 322: 291-301. Veit, R.R. and W.A. Montevecchi. (2006) The influences of global climate change on marine birds. Acta Zooligica Sinica 52 (Supplement): 165-168. Montevecchi, W.A., S. Garthe and G.K. Davoren. (2006) Biophysical influences on seabird trophic assessments. In: I.L. Boyd, S. Wanless and C.J. Camphuysen (Editors) Ecosystem Management. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom: in press. Davoren, G.K. and W.A. Montevecchi. (2005) Did signals from seabirds indicate changes in capelin biology? A reply. Marine Ecology Progress Series 285: 299-309. Davoren, G.K., J.T. Anderson and W.A. Montevecchi. (2005) Distribution patterns of Common Murres Uria aalge: Underlying behavioural mechanisms in the context of predator-prey theory. Marine Ornithology. pdf - 1990 KB Davoren, G.K. and W.A. Montevecchi (2003) Signals from seabirds indicate changing biology of capelin biology. Marine Ecology Progress Series: 258: 253-261. pdf - 622 KB Davoren, G.K., W.A. Montevecchi and J.T. Anderson (2002) Hot spots of predators and prey on multiple spatial and temporal scales in the marine ecosystem of the Northwest Atlantic. ICES Conference Report CM 2002/N:11. Montevecchi, W.A. (2001) Seabirds as indicators of ocean pollution. In: J. Steele, S. Thorpe and K. Turekian (Editors). Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences. Academic Press, London. Montevecchi, W.A. and R.A. Myers. (1997) Centurial and decadal oceanographic influences on changes in Northern Gannet populations and diets in the Northwest Atlantic: Implications for climate change. ICES Journal of Marine Science 54: 608-614. Montevecchi, W.A. and R.A. Myers. (1996) Dietary changes of seabirds reflect shifts in pelagic food webs. Sarsia 80: 313-322. Duquette, L.S. and W.A. Montevecchi. (1996) Science, utilization, conservation, management and the George River Caribou Herd. Rangifer Special Issue No. 9:13-15. Montevecchi, W.A. and R.A. Myers. (1995) Prey harvests of seabirds reflect pelagic fish and squid abundance on multiple spatial and temporal scales. Marine Ecology Progress Series 117:1-9. Barrett, R.T., P.H. Becker, R.W. Furness, G.L. Hunt Jr., D. Latrouite, W.A. Montevecchi, B. Olsen, H. Skov, M.L. Tasker and P. Wright. (1994) Seabird prey harvests in the North Sea. Seabird/Fisheries Interaction Study Group Report, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) (Copenhagen) CM 1994/L:3. Montevecchi, W.A. (1993) Birds as indicators of change in marine prey stocks. Pages 217-266 in: R.W. Furness and J.D. Greenwood (Editor) Birds as Monitors of Environmental Change. Chapman and Hall, London. Montevecchi, W.A. (1993) Seabird indication of squid stock conditions. Journal of Cephalopod Biology 2: 57-63. Montevecchi, W.A. (1993) Birds as bio-indicators in marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Pages 60-62 in: J. Hall and M. Wadleigh (Editors) The Scientific Challenge of Our Changing Environment. Canadian Global Change Program Report Incidental Series No. IR93 2: 60-62. Montevecchi, W.A. and R.A. Myers. (1992) Monitoring fluctuations in pelagic fish availability with seabirds. Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee (CAFSAC) Research Document 92/94 20 pages. Montevecchi, W.A. (1991) Seabirds: Oceanic Barometers. Ideas (CBC Radio, Toronto; broadcast in October 1991; rebroadcast in February 1993) Montevecchi, W.A. and A. Berruti. (1991) Avian indication of pelagic fisheries and trophic changes in the southeast and northwest Atlantic. Acta 20 Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, 2246-2256.
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