Dr. Janel Gauthier


Dr. Janel Gauthier is Professor of Psychology at the School of Psychology of Laval University. He holds a Ph.D. degree that was awarded to him by Queen's University at Kingston in 1975. Dr. Gauthier began his professional career at Hotel Dieu Hospital in Kingston as a registered psychologist and a director of psychological services. He held these two positions for three years. During that period, he became Assistant Professor both in the Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Psychology at Queen's University. In 1978, he accepted a full-time academic position at the School of Psychology at Laval University. In 1981, he was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor. In 1982, he went away to work for a full year with Professor Albert Bandura at Stanford University in California, something that he repeated in the summer of 1997. In 1985, Dr. Gauthier was promoted to the rank of Full Professor. Since he has been at Laval University, Dr. Gauthier has worked on several committees, including the Steering Committee of the School of Psychology and the Ethics Committee of Laval University. He has also been Director of the Clinic for Psychological Interventions for three years and Chair of the Master's programme in psychology for three years. He is currently Chair of the Clinical Doctoral Programme and Chair of the Committee for the development of the Psy.D. programme.

Dr. Gauthier is a researcher who is internationally renowned. He has authored or co-authored about 80 scientific publications dealing mainly with the behavioural and cognitive treatment of anxiety disorders and the biofeedback treatment of migraine. In addition, he has made some significant contributions to the understanding and management of grief reactions and has developed some of the most effective strategies to enhance social self-esteem. He has also contributed to the presentation of over 250 papers at various scientific provincial, national and international meetings.

He has served on the editorial board of several journals, including Behaviour Therapy. He has also served on several committees for granting agencies such as the Medical Research Council and the Québec Council for Social Research.

Dr. Gauthier has 25 years of experience as a practitioner and an educator in clinical psychology. He is licensed to practice in both Ontario and Québec. He is a listee of the Canadian Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology (CRHSPP).

Dr. Gauthier is someone who has given exceptional service to national and provincial associations in psychology. From 1992 to 1999, he served on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA). During this period, he chaired and co-chaired several committees including Publications, Education and Training, and Scientific Affairs. He became President of CPA in 1996 and did a second term as President in 1997. He organized and co-chaired the National Conference on Psychology as a Science in Aylmer (Québec) in 1997. He struck the Psy.D. Task Force that led to the Board of Directors unanimous approving a series of recommendations in support of the "Canadian" scholar-practitioner model of training in professional psychology in 1998. Dr. Gauthier is currently a member of the Scientific Committee of the Québec Foundation for Migraine and Headaches as well as co-president of the Québec Association for Anxiety Disorders.

Dr. Gauthier was formally recognized by his colleagues in the Canadian Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology for his distinguished contribution to Canadian psychology in 1998. Recently, Dr. Gauthier was elected Fellow of CPA.

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